Current Choir Activity

The impact of Covid on choirs has been significant because singing is deemed to carry a substantial risk of droplet and aerosol dispersal, and thus the spread of Covid19. Even in Glyndebourne the singers have to be nine foot apart! Therefore, unfortunately, we are unable to plan any concerts for the immediate future. But please be assured that although we are unable to meet physically we are trying to keep ourselves in voice by holding virtual choir meetings in the form of Zoom sessions with our choirmaster, Sebastian Thomson. So far we have had two sessions and plan ten more over the autumn term. We have chosen two delightful pieces, Brahms’ ‘How lovely is thy dwelling place’ and Vivaldi’s Credo R.V. 591, to add to our repertoire.

As soon as the Covid pandemic allows us we will start planning our next concert. We will keep all those subscribing to our newsletter up to date with future plans.

On line quiz run by Neil on the 3rd July 2020

There was a good attendance for the quiz run over Zoom and everybody seemed to enjoy it. Results are shown below:

Sandra and Ralph timed their Joker well and played it on the last round to achieve a clear win. This round was entitled English Literature and required knowledge of Wind in the Willows, of the Owl and the Pussycat, and of Christopher Robin. Other rounds assumed knowledge of motorbike and formula 1 racing and of flags. Unfortunately there were no questions on physics, maths, computing, croquet or bridge and so the chairman, despite making a number of appeals for his score to be adjusted, came last.


It is with great sadness that we have decided to cancel both our forthcoming concert at the end of March and the “Understanding your voice” event with Anna Shackleton.

We plan to reschedule these events once the coronavirus is behind us.

There will be no rehearsals till further notice.

Quiz and Curry Night 2020

On Saturday 29th February 2020 we will be holding a Quiz and Curry Night at the Manor Prep School, Faringdon Road, Abingdon, OX13 6LN.

We are again fortunate to have Steve Vaughan as our quiz master. This time the catering is being carried out by a local restaurant.

There will be a cash bar and a raffle.

Doors open at 19:00 for a 19:30 start.

Tickets are £15 from:

Please bring your friends along to what should be a fun evening.

Spring Concert 2019

We will be performing on Sunday March 31st.

Rehearsals started on Friday January 4th. The program will be:

  • Vivaldi – Credo RV 591
  • Fasch – Concerto for trumpet, 2 oboes, strings & continuo in D major, FaWV L:D1
  • Mozart – Ave Verum Corpus K 618
  • Max Reger – Nachtlied Op.138
  • Bruckner – Locus Iste WAB 23
  • Interval
  • Haydn – Mass in B flat major ‘Theresienmesse’ Hob XXII:12

Quiz Night 2019

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A quiz night was held on the Saturday evening of the 16th March at the Long Furlong Community Centre in Abingdon. A simple, home cooked, meal was provided along with a cash bar and raffle.

  • Good value for money in terms of entertainment, food and fun
  • Steve, the quiz-master, was excellent, good questions and well balanced subjects
  • Excellent food and plenty of it.
  • Excellent choice of beer
  • Good choice of wines … could have charged more!
  • A great evening … would come again
  • What a great evening – good quiz, good food, and  good company – when’s the next one ?

The event raised £1408.33 in support of our next and subsequent concerts.

Singing is fun!

An afternoon choral workshop with Janet Lincé

This was held on the afternoon of Sunday 20th January at the Matrix with Peter McMullin as accompanist.

It attracted a number of new people besides the regular choir members and was enjoyed by all. We received a great number of valuable tips and had, as promised, a very enjoyable afternoon.

Autumn Concert 2018

This will be a Handel  dominated programme. The date is now fixed for Sunday November the 25th 2018:

  • Handel – Chandos anthem No 2:  In the Lord put I my trust – HWV 247
  • Handel – Chandos anthem No 9:  O praise the Lord – HWV 254
  • Purcell – Rejoice in the Lord alway ‘The bell anthem’, Z 49
  • Handel – Concerto Grosso in C major ‘Alexander’s Feast’ – HWV 318

The first rehearsal was at 19:30 on Friday 14th September. 

Continue reading “Autumn Concert 2018”