Passiontide Concert 2018

Haydn Mass in B-Flat major. (Sancti Joannis de Deo or Little Organ Mass) Hob.XX11:7

Mozart Misericordias Domini K222

Mendelssohn Christe du Lamm Gottes

Mendelssohn Te Deum

Purcell Rejoice in the Lord alway

Saint-Saëns Ave verum

Saint-Saëns Quam dilecta, Op.148

Advent Concert 2017

Camille Saint-Saëns Christmas Oratorio: Op 12

Jean-Philippe Rameau Hymne à la nuit

William Byrd Ave Verum Corpus.

Benjamin Britten Cermony of Carols: Op 28

Camille Saint-Saëns Fantaisie for violin and harp: Op  124

We received the following appreciation from one audience member:

I have been to a number of concerts given by your excellent group and I find that once again my worst fears were confounded. Every time I’m impressed with the difference of your programme selection. For example, the Bonocini ‘Stabat Mater’ and the wildly different Zelenka ‘Miserere’ were two concerts I enjoyed enormously.  As someone who regularly attends choral concerts I have a sense of relief when I don’t have to listen to yet another mass or requiem by Bach, Mozart, Faure or Handel (great composers as they are and mainstays of the choral repertoire.)

To come to a programme of Saint-Saëns and Benjamin Britten therefore is both enjoyable and unusual. The inclusion of the harp and violin ‘Fantasie’ balanced the evening beautifully and created a welcome opportunity to reflect on the sheer diversity of Saint-Saëns’ music. What a find this young and talented violinist Elizabeth Nurse is!

The opening two unaccompanied pieces were well rehearsed and whilst ‘Ave Verum’ is sung frequently the adjoining selection of Rameau’s hymn of lament was an unusual and inspired choice. The choir gave both of these pieces a sense of timing and delivery which started the evening well.

The ‘Christmas Oratorio’ was delightful, the soloists here were well balanced and sung beautifully, with the choir once again well-rehearsed and singing with a sensitivity, especially in the ‘Gloria Patri’, that I found quite moving. The work was new to me, and many in the audience also, and one I should like to hear again.

Britten’s ‘Ceremony of Carols’ I have heard many times before and usually with just treble voices, so it was a great pleasure and surprise to hear the lower registers join in with this arrangement. No doubt there has been much discussion on how to pronounce middle English but my view is that if one sings loudly and enthusiastically enough then nothing is lost in the interpretation, and I did indeed feel “Wolcum.” The icy coldness of the interlude had the audience spellbound and surprisingly breathless with concentration (well done Anneke Hodnett whose playing throughout the evening was to a very high standard) and the whole work was delivered by choir and two soloists to my complete enjoyment.

Thank you, All Saints’ Singers for the concert, the mulled wine and the minced pie.   I shall come again!

And Patrick Salisbury wrote:

Dear David,

This was certainly a most successful concert. It was ingenious to devise such a varied programme with accompaniment by an orchestra comprising only strings and continuo but with the addition of a superb harpist. In the event, many of us were introduced to a peaceful Rameau Hymn and a fine Christmas Oratorio by Saint-Saens. In the latter, the chorus really came into their own with outstanding contributions by the five excellent soloists

To begin the second half of the programme, it was a bonus to have our new orchestral leader Elizabeth Nurse joining the harpist Anneke Hodnett in a wonderful performance of Saint-Saen’s beautiful “Fantaisie”. Inevitably, Britten’s “Ceremony of Carols” provided the climax to the concert; here the choir sang with accuracy and understanding, employing subtly contrasted dynamics. Again, the presence of a dedicated harpist must have given them that extra incentive to excel. Although one might say that, in this concert, the choir did not have as major a role as might normally be the case, their contribution was always well prepared and carefully presented.

Altogether a most enjoyable occasion, a view obviously shared by the larger than ever audience. I do hope Sebastian Thomson will stay with us!

With very best wishes – Patrick
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Annual BBQ – 2017

Our annual barbecue was once again held at Pamela Vivian’s home. The event was enjoyed by some 22 members and friends of the choir. The cloudy and cool weather did not dampen spirits, although a number of us preferred the comfort inside Pamela’s house. Tony Furze delivered as usual a generous offering of great barbecued meat which was complemented by salads and desserts prepared by members of the choir. It really was a lovely event and we hope to repeat it again next year.

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Pamela at Garsington

As a tribute to Pamela Vivian for all that she has done, and continues to do, for the choir, the members offered her an evening to be remembered at Garsington Opera this summer.  She sent us her thanks:

Dear All Saints’ Singers,
I cannot tell you how amazed I was at the extraordinary generosity you showed me this summer.  The whole evening at Garsington Opera at Wormsley was truly magical.  We started with a welcoming champagne ‘hors d’oeuvre’  followed by a wonderful first act of “Semele”.  We then had a top notch interval meal in Jamie’s marquee restaurant and ended with the sumptuous and magical second half of Handel’s most wonderful opera.  It was a truly magnificent evening in a simply scintillating setting.  The weather was fine and the fairy-light atmosphere as dusk came and night descended was totally in keeping with the beauty of the music.  This wonderful evening will be one of my most beautiful memories.
Very gratefully,

Tony and Jenny, David and Angela and David’s sister, Margaret, were there as also were Paul and Carol Gibbs and their daughter.  We had an absolutely fabulous evening with Pamela.

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Saturday April 22nd: “Vamp til Ready”

This was another great entertaining and fund-raising event.

Vamp til Ready is a tremendously funny and mightily accomplished song-and-dance act that had many of us in stitches earlier this year. Our own Martin Elliff is one of its stars.

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Reactions to the event.

Janet Knowles said:

Last night was a triumph. Thank you so much. Our friends loved it, and as my David pointed out, I enjoyed it even more than a folk concert at the Albert Hall on Easter day! Vamp were terrific – what talent.  The supper was very good, and clever of you to do it for the ticket price. Several on our table commented on that – they were expecting a mere nibble.

Susan King wrote:

What a brilliant result! It was a very happy event which we enjoyed greatly. Thank you so much to you and all the committee for working so hard to give us such a wonderful evening.

Launch of the Matrix Consort

The indulgent among us ate chocolate eggs, some sat down to enjoy a good lunch with wine, followed by feet up on the sofa, a good book, a spot of television perhaps or even Verdi’s Aida live from The Met.?

Instead, a small but enthusiastic group of 15 singers chose to gather in The Matrix to sing madrigals and part songs.

The first rehearsal given by Sebastian in his new “relaxed” style was great fun.  His carefully chosen range of music from the 16th century gave every voice a chance to shine and an opportunity to listen to each other only possible in a small group. (When we got the notes right, that is!) Tony’s particular favourite; with its repeated Fa la la chorus and suggestions of merry lads and dainty nymphs, is truly the “month of Maying”

Much more to come from this group.

Presentation to Pamela

[huge_it_slider id=”3″]We made a presentation to Pamela who recently decided that it was the right time to leave the choir of which she was a founder member. David, our current chairman, paid tribute to Pamela who had been chair previously and her enormous contributions to the choir. A letter from April Cantelo (who had previously acted as voice coach to the choir) described her as a wonderful lady. Another letter from Margaret, one of the Friends of the choir and a former member, also reminded us of what Pamela had done for us. She had led us through good times and bad.

The money collected was sufficient to be able to arrange a day out to include a Garsington Opera with dinner and champagne showing the esteem in which she is held.